Saturday, May 23, 2009

Taipei, Taiwan!

We've arrived safely in Taipei! After a 12 hour bus drive, 12 hour plane flight (boarded at 3 AM Bozeman time), and losing a day (Saturday) in the time change! We are now waiting for the next flight to Bangkok, boarding at 8:30 and arriving at about 11 AM. Apparently today is a day to rest and recoup, before we start practices tomorrow. It is 7:15 AM here now, but my body feels like it is about 5 PM. Kinda weirding me out! So as a result, over the last 2 days I've gotten about 8 hours of sleep...which isn't too horrible considering!

I've only taken one picture thus far, so I'm going to wait a bit longer to load at least a few on. I just bought a journal, so I will be able to actually remember what happened each day! It has many Chinese paintings and writings in it, as well as some proverbs!

It is hot and humid even here in the airport where there is air conditioning. What we've seen of the plant life is blooming, and only a few white birds that I don't know what they are (I'd guess seagulls). I may have seen some whales or dolphins when we were flying in- I was looking down at the water and would see something come up out of it every few minutes as well as the white water.

1 comment:

  1. Congrats on a safe trip!!! Wow only one pic that is truly impressive. So do you think you will actually write in your journal, or apologize to it every few days for skipping the days before... maybe Asia will change you for the better in that aspect. Well i hope you are having fun!
